We import and distribute quality medical equipment and surgical instruments.

Maxilla Hospital & Medical Furniture

He maxilla is ossified in membrane. Mall  and Fawcett maintain that it is ossified from two centers only, one for the maxilla proper and one for the premaxilla.

These centers appear during the sixth week of  the beginning of the third month,
 but the suture between the two portions persists on the palate until nearly
middle life. Mall states that the frontal process is developed from both centers.


About Maxilla

Maxilla is dedicated to bridging the gap between the ever-present need for quality healthcare and the growing demand for cost savings. Our brand portfolio features a comprehensive selection of clinician-preferred products that balance both affordability and performance. We also offer a range of physician-approved items with low clinical differentiation, ensuring that healthcare providers can make cost-efficient choices without compromising on care standards.

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